Thursday, May 1, 2014


I read this somewhere and felt its worth sharing. So, this is NOT one of my own creations.

Look at this example for a customer service manager position. Annotations are written alongside each section in italics.

Date: May 1, 2014
Re: Customer Service Manager Position
Dear Personnel Manager,
If you know the name of the manager, include it; otherwise, write his or her title.
I read with interest your job listing on the XYZ website for a customer service manager. My experience in customer service has taught me how to meet and surpass each customer's expectations. I have helped all types of customers in all types of settings, including after-sales. I realize that maintaining loyal repeat customers, as well as representing your business to your clients is of the highest importance.
• Include where you saw a job posting as a courtesy to the company offering a job.
• State immediately which position you are applying for.
• Include a brief statement of your qualifications. Include your resume, which will have your full qualifications.
I am an effective trainer who achieves success with his teams by building confidence, maintaining team efficiency, and training service associates to improve their communication skills. I have worked as a customer service manager for over five years.
Clearly and honestly state details about your qualifications, making it clear how it fits with the job description.
I would be pleased to interview with your company. I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.
Affirm your availability for an interview.

Typed Name
Include a polite and formal closing and your full name.

Friday, April 25, 2014


It was the sixteenth place I dropped my CV. I even waited 2 hours to meet the MD who never showed up. I wasn’t completely desperate yet, so I decided to return home. No longer had I reached, my cell rang with an unknown number. The MD wanted to talk, next I heard was a soft and confident female voice. It took me a while to figure out that I was being asked to join without any interview. Finally, a month of idleness would end. I was proud much to the fact that it didn’t involve any form of nepotism. This restored my faith in fair recruitment.

Getting back to the main topic, it was a sunny Sunday for me although the weather would disagree. I was ready for my first day at office. I set off in jeans, Tee and a pair of converse. For someone with a reputation of strictly not being punctual, it was a big thing to reach 15 minutes earlier. I was asked to meet a senior engineer who happened to be late. So, after waiting half an hour outside the gate, I was escorted in and introduced to other staffs. Many faces were familiar; the 2 hours wait the previous day was long enough to print some faces in my memory.

The office looked ordinary to say the least. I was temporarily given a computer which I managed to hang several times before realizing that I should open one file at a time to avoid potential mess. I was seated next to two ladies who never bothered to care what the new staff was going through. May be they were not in their own world; probably they were giving me some space amidst the awkwardness. It seemed to take a long time before the office broke for lunch, a much needed one for me. There were five of us sharing the table. I ordered what everyone else were having and it was Noodles. Until that time, I was on a No-Wheat diet for more than 2 months. Before food got ready, there were several uninteresting conversations about Batman, Superman and Mahabharat. For obvious reasons, my ears had to work more than my mouth. After the food got served, there was a pin drop silence. The other four ate as if they had never tasted anything more delicious. Funny that I could not finish everything, it was far from tasty for me.

We marched towards the junction – a temple at five minutes’ walk. Thanks to Rishi Dhamala, mocking him evoked laughter and fun for the first time in the day. With further conversations, I came to know that I was offered job as someone else was in the verge of leaving in quest of better opportunities. It was half past two and everyone walked together to the office to resume work. Things were going smooth when suddenly a girl came rushing towards my seat and stared at me in dismay. I soon realized that the seat belonged to her. I stood up like a gentleman, offered her the revolving chair and wandered in confusion. I was shifted to a different computer beside an old man this time. We chatted casually in bits and pieces. Meanwhile I was assigned the task of estimation of a building. To be fair, I was way below par in work rate. Soon the clock hit 5 – time to disperse. I did not enjoy the day at all, so wasn’t sure I wanted to continue. Nevertheless, I convinced myself that it can only get better in days to come.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


I) Tribhuvan University: Institute of Engineering (IOE)  (Kathmandu)

[A] Constituent Campuses

1. Eastern Region Campus, Dharan                                                                             
2. Pulchowk Campus, Lalitpur                                                                                      
3. Thapathali Campus, Kathmandu                                                                            
4. Western Region Campus, Kaski                                                                                

[B] Affiliated Colleges

1. Advanced College of Engineering and Management, Lalitpur                           
2. Himalaya College of Engineering, Lalitpur                                                             
3. Janakpur Engineering College, Kathmandu                                                           
4. Kantipur Engineering College, Lalitpur                                                                    
5. Kathford International College of Engineering and Management, Lalitpur     
6. Kathmandu Engineering College, Kathmandu                                                      
7. Khwopa Engineering College, Bhaktapur                                                               
8. Lalitpur Engineering College, Lalitpur                                                                     
9. National College of Engineering, Lalitpur                                                              
10. Sagarmatha Engineering College, Lalitpur                                                           

II) Kathmandu University (Dhulikhel)                                    

III) Pokhara University (Pokhara)                                          

1. Cosmos Engineering College, Lalitpur                                                                    
2. Everest Engineering College, Kathmandu                                                              
3. Gandaki Engineering College, Pokhara                                                                 
4. Lumbini Engineering College, Rupandehi                                                              
5. Nepal College of Information Technology (NCIT), Lalitpur                                
6. Nepal Engineering College (NEC), Bhaktapur                                                        
7. Oxford College of Technology, Nawalparasi                                                        
8. Pokhara Engineering College, Pokhara                                                                  
9. United Technical College, Chitwan                                                                   

IV) Purbanchal University (Biratnagar)                                 

1. Acme Engineering College, Kathmandu                                                                  
2. Aryan School of Engineering, Kathmandu                                                            
3. Central Engineering College, Janakpur                                                                   
4. College of Biomedical Engineering and Applied Science, Kathamndu             
5. College of Information Technology and Engineering (CITE), Kathmandu       
6. Eastern Engineering College, Biratnagar                                                                
7. Hill Side College of Engineering, Kathmandu                                                        
8. Himalayan Institute of Science Technology (HIST), Kathamandu                     
9. Himalayan WhiteHouse International College, Lalitpur                                       
10. Kantipur City College, Kathmandu                                                                        
11. Kantipur International College, Lalitpur                                                              
12. Khwopa Engineering College, Bhaktapur                                                                                             

V) Madhyapaschimanchal University (Surkhet)

VI) Sudurpaschimanchal University (Kanchanpur)

Friday, March 7, 2014

The Recipe for Happiness

Why do we do what we do? We are more or less trying to put the pieces together to create moments of importance that will make us happy. We might not realize it but what we do decides happiness. Happiness is in the food we eat, the dollars we earn, the sweat we drip to burn some calories, the jokes we crack, the moment we spend with our loved ones; the bottom line is we control our happiness. When Einstein said- “A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin; what else does a man need to be happy”, he must have meant that happiness is in the minor things that we often oversee.

Earn a billion dollars but you could still have done better, get straight A’s in all courses yet you could have ignored some mistakes in your papers, be super famous still you can’t have the whole world following you; whatever you do however big that may be, it looks small when compared to something bigger. So, how can a person be happy knowing there is something more that he could have done or somebody else has achieved greater heights? The simple answer is satisfaction, the principle ingredient for happiness.

Being the richest guy in town, the best student in the university or the highest paid manager might ensure success in profession but not necessarily in life. A person successful in life possesses inner tranquility, peace of mind and extreme satisfaction for whatever he has achieved no matter how trivial. What gives human beings deep satisfaction is the minor things we tend to ignore. Laughing, making others smile, helping the helpless, chilling, enjoying moments of peace, spreading love, doing things one likes, taking things lightly, believing and being oneself can actually give us happiness.

But, doing things we enjoy the most always, can mislead us in the long run. Real happiness is long term and it is very important to assess all our major decisions in every step of our life. Doing that, we may need to sacrifice our happiness momentarily to ensure sustained happiness in future. A drug addict or an alcoholic would surely gain peaks of happiness when he is on a high, but the implications of his activities will compel him to live an unhealthy and depressed life in future.

In sum, happiness is a cup of light heartedness, some wholesome effort in the field of interest and a spoon of satisfaction blended together with a grain of control to avoid overdoing things that can have harmful effects in future.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Volkswagon: BEETLE


The rare Green


Cool Black
The full of life RED

Unique Cream 

MUD ride
BEETLES parade

General Specification:

Overall height: 1498 mm
Overall length: 4129 mm
Overall width: 1721 mm
Wheel base: 2515 mm
Curb weight: 1230 kg
Luggage volume: 12 cu ft
Luggage volume with rear seat folded: 27.1 cu ft
Max speed: 177-210 km/h
Acceleration: 0-96 km/h in 6.5-13.2 sec
Fuel tank capacity: 55 lit
City mileage: 14.5 km/lit
Price: Nrs. 40 lakhs

Engine specification:
Displacement: 1595 mm
No of cylinders: 4
Power: 75(102) / 5600
Torque: 148 / 3800
Valve mechanism: 16
Valves per cylinder: 4

Thursday, February 27, 2014

What's unique about 1, 81, 1458 and 1729?

They are the only four numbers whose digits when added and multiplied by the reverse of their sum yields the original number.

1:         1 * 1 = 1
81:       8 + 1 = 9 * 9 = 81
1458:   1 + 4 + 5 + 8 = 18 * 81 = 1458
1729:   1 + 7 + 2 + 9 = 19 * 91 = 1729

Friday, February 14, 2014

Science of attraction

Attraction, the triggering of dopamine system in the brain, is the secretion of the natural stimulant dopamine creating desire of wanting, craving, focused attention and motivation. As you grow up, you begin to build an unconscious list of what you are looking for in a partner. When the timing is right, you walk into a room you scan the room, see somebody who fits within your love map, your ideal concept of a partner. The right shape, size, background or educational level, do they begin to talk to you, say something funny, interesting or novel; that can drive the dopamine in the brain. So all along the way you are picking all kinds of signals from this individual and sure enough if the person fits in your love map, they are available you are available, you can fall in love and trigger this system for romantic love.